DATELINE: November 4, 2020, Palos Verdes Estates.
In record turnout, residents of Palos Verdes Estates voted incumbent Sandy Davidson out of office following his nearly four-year troubled tenure on PVE City Council. Davidson received an astounding 30% less votes than the lowest of the two victorious candidates. According to a November 19, 2020 communication from PVP Watch, Davidson was the only incumbent on the entire Palos Verdes Peninsula to fail in a re-election campaign. Public dissatisfaction with Sanford Davidson's deportment was so severe that he is the only councilperson in city history to have been voted down as Mayor pro tem by his peers (click here). At least one fellow councilperson commented on background as being "relieved" at the voters' decision to oust Davidson (and by proxy his wife Joan) from PVE City Hall.
Sandy Davidson's forced removal followed his determination not to step down despite two and a half years of fact-based demands for his resignation. Playing a role in widespread PVE resident discontent with Davidson were reports that he had fabricated a "stolen valor" claim to have served in the military during the Vietnam War (click here). Davidson also allegedly made false, unsubstantiated claims to have held the "Professor" title at the UCLA School of Medicine; an investigation proved instead he once possessed the honorary "Assistant Clinical Professor" title that comes with a bare minimum of volunteer work with hospital interns. Furthermore, nary even one single piece of evidence has been presented in support of Davidson's seemingly preposterous claim to have been for 30 years Admissions Committee Chairman of the UCLA School of Medicine. Multiple investigatory inquiries to the school's Admissions Department were met with the response of having "no idea" who is Sandy Davidson. Indeed, there appears to be no evidence supporting any of Sandy Davidson's apparently false military or UCLA-related biographical claims.
Sandy Davidson's mendacity appears not to have been applied only to his own published background. For years, Davidson has made the fallacious and/or misleading claim that his "youngest son is a journalist who writes for the Wall Street Journal ". The truth is not that that Alex Davidson is a reporter for the Wall Street Journal as Sandy Davidson seemingly seeks to convey to the public. To the contrary, Alex Davidson's own published biography states since early 2017 he has been "a marketing and community insights manager" with the Sustainability and Accountability Standards Board; moreover, he only submitted content to the WSJ as a freelance writer, and only then as recently as 2016 (i.e., before Davidson became a councilman in 2017). Click here for Alex Davidson's LinkedIn profile.
More information relating to the BCHA's demand for Sandy Davidson's resignation is available below
Sandy Davidson's failed re-election campaign received major funding from Audrey Lowman, founder of cleaning products manufacturer Micronova. Lowman also provided funding to failed political campaigns of Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Dana Rohrabacher, and (potentially) Mike Garcia. Davidson also was funded substantially by an entity controlled by the reportedly corrupt Palos Verdes Estates Police Department's union/association. Palos Verdes Estates resident Valerie Gorsuch reportedly was able to make a $25 contribution to Davidson's campaign.
Click here for Daily Breeze article and here for vote tallies relating to November 2020 election.
Joan Davidson Bets and Loses the Ranch on cohorts
Jennifer King and Betty Lin Peterson
It seems clear now why Joan Davidson spent her own scarce political influence and money on 2019 election mailings supporting King/Peterson's failed campaigns (click here and here). Davidson had criticized both harshly during his own 2017 campaign (click here). However, Joan desperately needed at least one of them to win to secure the second vote for her husband's expected MPT nomination.
Why won't PVE Councilman Sanford Davidson tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Did Sandy Davidson submit false or misleading information to the City of Palos Verdes Estates for his official biography page (or related published biography)?
Investigation efforts and related conclusions began to be published on April 5, 2019.
New reports of false or misleading information began streaming into the BCHA following the initial investigation results being published.
Anonymous tips assisting existing and prospective investigation targets are encouraged to be sent to
"Dr. Davidson spent 2 years in the military during the Vietnam War."
"He has also served as [the] Admissions Committee Chairman at the UCLA School of Medicine for over 30 years."
"Dr. Davidson is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute."
Davidson's claim he "spent two years in the military during the Vietnam War."
Please review Description section of video posted online for more details relating to this investigation.
Government Rejects Joan Davidson's Sworn Complaint
Joan Davidson, wife of PVE Councilman Sanford Davidson, apparently following her faux-activist play book by abusing governmental agencies to do her dirty work, in April 2019 set her sights on depriving the BCHA of its First Amendment right to criticize her husband, a public figure.
Joan Davidson failed. The FPPC, having received by then from Mrs. Davidson multiple complaints against her and her husband's adversaries, saw right through the intended deception in her "sworn complaint." The Constitution won. The Davidsons lost once again.
March 14, 2018
Dear Friends & Neighbors,
In April 2016, members of the Bluff Cove Homeowners Association ( officially called for the resignation of PVE Chief of Police Jeff Kepley based on weak and ineffective leadership. Though it took a year for him to agree this was his best course of action, eventually Kepley went on a "five-week" stress leave that became a four-month "MIA" episode, and then finally, thankfully, an official "retirement" announcement.
Now, nearly two years later, the Bluff Cove Homeowners Association officially is calling for the resignation of PVE City Councilman Sandy Davidson. Mr. Davidson is the PVE councilman spearheading the unprecedented $45 million, 9-year Measure E "Law Enforcement" parcel tax ( The $5 million/year tax only partially funds (50-67% of $7.5 -$10 million) the PVEPD's updated FY2017-2018 budget (excluding one-time cuts, including non-accrued pension expense). Nonetheless, Mr. Davidson and his wife's unconventional ties to the PVEPD continue to drive their crusade for what amounts to a small "down payment" on an unquantifiable, skyrocketing pension liability. This "pension bomb" is estimated to impair materially our City's balance sheet upon the signing of a 9-year PVEPD union contract, if Measure E were to pass. Thus, essentially the BCHA believes Mr. Davidson recklessly is spearheading a campaign that will lead to PVE's insolvency and related bankruptcy sometime during the PVEPD contract period.
Due to the fact that his seat does not come up for re-election in March 2019 as is the case with Councilpersons King, Vandever and Lin-Peterson (, there is not an electoral means to remove Mr. Davidson for another three years. Thus, as occurred with individuals working assiduously to expose Chief Kepley's lax oversight of the City's law enforcement department, the BCHA has begun its exposé of the lengthening list of Mr. Davidson's breaches of fiduciary duties to PVE residents.
Along those lines, last night the "Sandy Davidson Resignation" webpage was launched:
Though the documentation and source-linking of Mr. Davidson's credibility and related integrity is only in the early stages, one may find upon reviewing the listed webpage that evidence of his untruthfulness already is abundant. Prominently, the residents of PVE elected Mr. Davidson over Jim Goodhart in no small part based on Mr. Davidson's campaign pledge to protect PVE parkland. However, Mr. Davidson two weeks ago announced he shall "abstain from any future city actions involved in this [Parkland] legal matter." This news has hit PVE residents hard, especially those whose votes were driven primarily by his pledge to do the exact opposite - remain the sure vote against any adverse Parkland decisions by the City.
Please review the webpage below for more support underlying the BCHA's determination to assist Mr. Davidson in coming to the same conclusion as did Chief Kepley a year ago.
Don't just trust the word of the many demanding Sanford Davidson's resignation. Watch the man's behavior in our City Council chambers, and then ask yourself the following questions:
1) "Does he represent the City's values with dignity?"
2) "Would you vote for him today?"
Sandy Davidson's Infamous "Venom Speech"
Sandy Davidson Rebuked by PVE Hero
Sandy Davidson: Of Sound Mind?
Sandy Davidson Confronted by Treasurer
Sandy Davidson Again Attacks Treasurer
Sandy Davidson's Preposterous Pledge
Davidson says, "It's all about honesty". Fine, let's get honest about Sandy Davidson and his extraordinary dishonesty.
Sandy Davidson Non-truth:
"Sandy Davidson spent two years serving in the military during the Vietnam War."
BCHA Truth:
Sandy Davidson never spent a single day of his life "serving in the military." See investigation video above.
Sandy Davidson Non-truth:
I pledge to "protect parkland and open space."
BCHA Truth:
Within less than one year as a PVE councilman, Sandy Davidson essentially jettisoned this pledge in order to create harmony with the other four councilpersons seeking to pass the Measure E Parcel Tax. In essence, Davidson sacrificed and sold down the river his first born (PVE Parkland) in order to improve the prospects for his true love - the PVEPD that provides him and the other city councilpersons VIP services subsidized by the other 99.9% of PVE taxpayers.
You can watch Sandy Davidson deliver a pair of illegitimate excuses for shirking his duty to those who voted for him precisely because he pledged to be their vote on parkland issues (click here at 6:25). The following are the hollow pretexts offered by Davidson for bailing out on the very campaign issue that got him a Sierra Club endorsement and thereafter elected to our City Council:
"I cannot in good conscience participate in any further actions of this city in this matter for two reasons:
1) I certainly would never have participated in the creative economics that gave birth to this sale of parkland to a private entity in the first place.
2) I am a personal friend of the man who brought suit in this matter.
Therefore, for ethical as well as moral reasons, I will abstain from any future city actions involved in this legal matter."
Let's address each of these flimsy excuses offered up by Sandy Davidson:
1) That he didn't participate in the conception, structuring or execution of the invalid Via Panorama parkland sale didn't stop Davidson from using that transaction highly unpopular with voters as a carrot to get their votes. Now that he doesn't need their votes for another 3 years, he doesn't need to put it in front of voters' noses.
2) That illegal parkland sale litigant John Harbison was Sandy Davidson's "friend" before he was elected didn't stop him from using the parkland lawsuit as the centerpiece of his election campaign. Moreover, according to sources, Davidson at the time of his election really wasn't even Harbison's friend; at most, they were acquaintances who sporadically chat about City matters, but not much else. It gets much worse: on January 11, 2019, Sandy Davidson deeply maligned publicly (at the City Council meeting approving a legal settlement) John Harbison as a "litigious, wealthy man with his own agenda … a power hungry lobbyist who has sold his soul … stealing from the PV Homes Association and giving to everyone else on this tiny cul-de-sac of Via Panorama" (click here at 1:12). It has become patently obvious that Sandy Davidson is pathologically dishonest, disingenuous, and disloyal to anyone but himself and his silly little political "career" and even more fragile ego.
3) When it became politically favorable to flip flop again, Davidson didn't hesitate. In January 2019, despite vowing publicly less than a year earlier on February 27, 2018, "for ethical as well as moral reasons, I will abstain from any future city actions involved in this legal matter" (see above), deceitful Davidson did precisely that. Davidson not only participated, but gave a long, ranting speech opposing the Parkland litigation settlement. Worse, during this speech Davidson harshly rebuked this same "friend" John Harbison who he claimed a year earlier was a reason he would avoid all participation in the Parkland matter. It is clear that Davidson saw and jumped at the chance to be able to say in the future, "I was the only one to vote against a settlement that sold parkland to a private individual."
The trend with Davidson is clear: he is a politician, thick and through, using popular campaign themes to win an election, but then tossing them aside once he has used those pledges and the voters' gullibility to get what he wanted.
Sandy Davidson Non-truth:
Victoria Lozzi (as Treasurer and now Councilperson) is "anti-PVE Police Department."
BCHA Truth:
There is no evidence whatsoever that Lozzi opposes or in any way is "anti-PVEPD." To the contrary, she has stated many times that she believes the majority of PVE residents want to keep the PVEPD. Instead, Lozzi has stated that what she opposed was the structure and misinforming nature of the tax measure (Measure E) designed to fund, partially, the PVEPD. Sandy Davidson is well aware of this, but has used the PVEPD issue as pretext to malign, dishonestly, who is perhaps PVE's most treasured government representative. See video above (Davidson Again Attacks Treasurer).
Joan Davidson Non-truth?:
I didn't lock a Los Angeles County Sanitation District employee into a Sanitation District truck on January 6, 2016 (click image below).
BCHA Truth:
Here are the facts as we know them. The content almost entirely may be verified by obtaining documents via the California Public Records Act (CPRA). On a rainy day in January 2016, an innocent Sanitation District engineering technician named Humberto was in the back of his Sanitation truck after collecting samples from a monitoring well. A woman he didn't know approached the back of the truck and asked, "Do you remember me?" to which the technician replied he did not. The woman reportedly began to rant, mentioning "pollution," but the technician found impossible to understand nearly everything being ranted. The woman then closed the door of the truck and immediately closed its latching handle. This outside location is the only means by which one can open the closed/latched door. With the truck running and keys in the unlocked cab, the technician was scared. Banging on the door, screaming, "Let me out! Let me out!" had no impact on this woman. He called another LACSD employee using his cellphone, but that employee was excessively distant. Desperate, the employee used his tool kit to dissemble the lock from the inside of the truck, allowing himself to escape. When the employee came back to the office, he described the woman who had locked him into the truck. Someone offered that this sounded like a description of Joan Davidson, who again had been pestering for many years the Sanitation District over unproven claims of soil contamination (Note: it is estimated that Davidson's ludicrous contamination crusade (click here and here) cost over $2 million of taxpayer money). After viewing a video of former high school art teacher Joan Davidson from another episode, the employee believed the woman who had locked him into the truck was indeed Joan Davidson. The LACSD then sent a letter to the City Manager of Rolling Hills Estates, with pressing charges against Joan Davidson taken into consideration.
I guess we'll never know for sure if Joan Davidson locked a Sanitation worker in a Sanitation District truck. That being said, a few key points: 1) Both of the Davidsons have very distinct "hair" and faces, making identification from close distance a near certainty; 2) After seeing on the Board meeting minutes the name of the Sanitation District employee who dealt with the allegations, we Google'd her to understand her credentials; it seems unlikely that a longstanding, accomplished Los Angeles County Sanitation District Division Engineer (Kristen Ruffell: click here and here) would back up a fabricated story; and 3) Does this highly detailed episode even slightly surprise anyone who knows Joan Davidson?
Sandy Davidson Non-truth:
I pledge to obtain the enforcement of laws against illegal cycling in PVE.
BCHA Truth:
Based on a CPRA document request by a BCHA member, the PVEPD has not issued a single citation for a cyclist riding side-by-side obstructing traffic (in violation of CVC 21202(a)) during the entirety of Sandy Davidson's tenure as a councilman. This illegal cycling is rampant throughout our city, with members of the Big Orange Cycling Group flagrantly and illegally riding in "swarms" right in front of the PVEPD HQ on Palos Verdes Drive West. Cyclist groups do this on a predictable schedule on weekend mornings; the ease with which the PVPED could issue tickets to illegal cyclists cannot be overstated. Yet, Councilman Davidson's allegiance truly is with his "private" police department and its officers, rather than to the PVE taxpaying residents who elected him and pay the PVEPD's budget consuming 55% of our City's total.
Sandy or Joan Davidson Non-truth:
A PVE resident misquoted former high school art teacher Joan Davidson in relation to her aggressive, incessant campaigning for Measure E.
BCHA Truth:
Joan Davidson misrepresented Page 72 of the "McCrary Report" while misusing as a campaign communication service, all as part of an aggressive, arguably unethical campaign to assist Measure E's passage.
The following is word-for-word March 4, 2018 reply to Councilman Davidson from a PVE resident following Davidson's egregious understatement of Measure's actual cost per home and apparent refusal to engage in an online debate with a "NO on Measure E" PVE resident:
"Dear Councilman: I personally received email correspondence from your wife (that's who said she was on her phone call to me last Tuesday night) forwarding information which were already turned down by the Council quite some time ago (per Dez's post today). You are calling out ND members for misleading voters STRICTLY for the reason of using pseudonyms. However, have you had a chance to have a conversation with your wife and ask why she did that and how many people she had done that to?
Also, thanks for breaking down the math. But, its been stated thousands of times now, that a) there was a shortfall in the budget last year, and b) the pension cost (a long term liability) is not contemplated into your budget. I run a small business, however, my balance sheet reflects my long term debt.
We've been waiting for you response. Thanks for engaging in the dialogue."
The following reportedly is content verbatim taken from a February 27, 2018 E-mail from Joan Davidson to this resident:
"“Hi- here's the photo image of the 100 page doct. page showing the PVE Consultant recommendation to keep the PVE police with cost savings. The council could go that route and stay within the budget.”
The following was this PVE resident's March 4, 2018 response to Joan Davidson after this city councilman's wife, in an attempt to cover up her attempt to trick this PVE resident into voting "YES" for Measure E, made the false accusation that the PVE resident "misquoted" her.
"The council could not go that way and had not gone that way and in fact had turned “that way” down as not plausible months ago, and you omitted that information. You also omitted the other 99 pages.
You are not an average person. You are the wife of a councilman, and held to higher standards or you should be. What you did was misleading and wreck less.
Regarding my marital status: I don’t know why it’s a topic of ND conversation, but yes I introduced myself and gave you some background information about myself including my profession, where in PVE and how long I’ve lived here, and that I’m not married (among other things). I don’t understand why you took that to mean that I’m deserving of unreliable information."
Sandy Davidson Non-truth:
"Bluff Cove Homeowners Association was formed about 3 1/2 weeks ago [in late January 2018]." (February 27, 2018; click here at 2:00)
BCHA Truth:
The BCHA's website was launched in early 2018. However, the BCHA was formed in 2008 in response to illegal wedding receptions being held at 605 Paseo del Mar (the infamous "Wedding House"). Many articles (click here) have been written in the Daily Breeze and elsewhere about this problem for our Bluff Cove neighborhood. Please click here to read the most recent such article.
Interestingly, the BCHA began in a similar way as did the Malaga Cove Homeowners Assn. Way back when, the Neighborhood Church sought to convert all or part of a parking lot into a social hall for weddings/receptions. The immediate neighbors were concerned but got little satisfaction from the PVHA. It became clear that a unified voice was needed to deal with the California Coastal Commission and other regulatory bodies. And thus the MCHA was born, with Betty Wing as its first president.
Sandy Davidson Non-truth:
"[I am] even more determined to make sure voters get accurate and true information to inform their votes." (February 13, 2018; click here at 13:00)
BCHA Truth:
Sandy Davidson's behavior could not show a higher determination to make sure voters get inaccurate and untrue information to misinform their votes.
For starters, Sandy Davidson on March 4, 2018 posted on a public reply to someone asking what was the calculation to determine one's Measure E parcel tax on their own home. Davidson's response was astounding. It appears that he did not even know the simple formula for Measure E, understating the cost tax by as much as 70% for a sizable PVE home. While Davidson admitted his error after multiple residents
corrected him, it remains very telling that he could not or determined not to inform voters that the formulaic cost on dwellings added 20c/ft vs. 20c/1000 ft.
Sandy Davidson Non-truth:
"If we do not pass Measure E, we will never, I repeat never, be able to return to a private police force dedicated only to PVE and shared with no one." (March 27, 2018; click here at 30:05)
BCHA Truth:
Sandy Davidson, during this very same March 27th speech, stated that before determining to join every other Peninsula city by contracting with the Sheriff, the City should complete all phases of a Sheriff Feasibility Study. Thus, Davidson is finally recommending (in the event Measure E fails) the SFS be completed in order to give his prized PVEPD yet a THIRD bite at the apple after Measure D and presumably E failed.
Sandy Davidson Non-truth:
"Until we do a real 3-phase [Sheriff Feasibility] study, we don't have any true cost figures. We have no idea. It may be more, it may be less, it may be the same." (March 27, 2018; click here at 31:30)
BCHA Truth:
There is absolutely NO possibility that the Sheriff contract for PVE will cost more than the PVEPD's massive, 55% consumption of our City's entire budget. First, the City obtained a quote offering 50% MORE patrol service hours than PVEPD's current deployment for a cost 40% BELOW the PVEPD's updated FY2017-2018 budget. Second, a year later in 10/2017, PVE's very own City Manager Tony Dahlerbruch stated in an official staff report, "the contract alternative of the Sheriff's Department is generally estimated to be $3.5 million to $4.5 million." Lastly, it is ludicrous even to consider as possible, much less probable, that PVE's Sheriff contract ever would exceed the PVEPD's $7.5 million/year cost given that RPV has a $6.1 million/year Sheriff contract successfully protecting its geography and population at three times PVE's size.
He’ll never be Mayor, and by running his fraud got massive public exposure, ruining his name socially forever.
Sandy Davidson, fake veteran, fake college professor [he was assistant clinical professor, an honorary title w/ no classroom, real professor role), fake gentleman, and worst of all, BULLY!!! The videos don’t capture how wretched this man is.
Sandy and Joan Davidson are the biggest disaster the city of Palos Verdes Estates has seen in a great many years. Hopefully Sandy is embarrassed enough by crushing defeat in the 2020 Election that they will finally flee the city for good.
I am shocked by the presence of ANY Davidson lawn signs in the city. Do people not understand who they are dealing with?
Latest PVE Scandal w/ Davidson: story going around that Sandy Davidson had an illegal HVAC installation that was discovered by the PVE Building Inspector. Davidson reportedly complaining to Interim City Manager Ken Rukavina, who then reportedly fired the inspector.
Watching last night Sandy Davidson get passed over AGAIN for Mayor was better than any Oscar nominated movie on my “to watch list”. I especially loved how he stayed true to his cantankerous, bitter-old-man character and abstained both on Mayor McGowan’s election and Davidson’s loss again for Mayor Pro tem. You could just see him stewing in his tan leisure suit, realizing that his nemesis sitting to his left (Lozzi) would be Mayor next and he never would fill that position.
The only thing missing is the Trailer for the upcoming, “PVE Police Department to shutter as City finally joins entire Peninsula in hiring Sheriff, saving City from Bankruptcy” That’s gonna be a gem too.
I’m going to go back and watch that delicious bit of local cinema again. It never shall get old!
Sandy Davidson. Holy s*)t. Are you joking? This guy thought he was gonna be Mayor, even of a fake city like PVE?
Joan Davidson is a total nut job. I mean total, 100%, complete. I heard she was forced off the PVP Unified School Board for just causing so much strife and conflict. She and her husband also I’ve heard don’t want people to know their son Alex is gay and married to a man. That is just cold as ice. They should just be ok with Alex being a house husband. He is a super sweet guy. Nothing like his horrible dad or mom.
He should be proud of his son being featured in NY Times for his marriage to a man:
He should be proud to be the father of a gay stay-at-home dad: click on this
We should be proud of all the gay children of PVE councilmen, including at least one son of former mayor George Bird. I think I heard both of George Bird’s sons are gay (
). This is very exciting in today’s openly accepted gay world for George, and must help him get through his troubled times as a judge in Torrance. I was saddened to hear that his situation there is not great. Making me sadder was that his wife Karen Bird seems to have had a sudden demise, passing soon after George left her. We should pray for the Bird family. I don’t know if it was George’s behavior (he soon was living with someone else and maybe married her) that caused Karen’s life to be ended. I hope not.
The Davidsons are hillbillies living on the Hill. They spend almost no money because they have no money. When fighting their enemies, they rarely hire lawyers or expensive professionals. Joan instead just sends fabricated allegations to a governmental body, hoping they will harass for free.
Sandy and Joan Davidson are worse than hillbillies. They are rotten morally to the bone. This is why for the first time in PVE history a councilperson was rejected for mayor position by his/her peers. FIRST TIME in 80 years.
You have no idea how much Sandy and Joan Davidson are hated in Palos Verdes Estates. These are truly evil people. They lie, and lie, and then lie some more. This website only has scratched the surface of the lies. Don’t get me wrong. Lying about serving in the military is hard core evil stuff. But it goes down even into the trivial.
The son is not a journalist who writes for the Wall Street Journal.
Not even close. This is what he does:
Nice catch — of the liar Sandy Davidson. Based on MuckRack (, Alex Davidson hasn’t written a freelance article for the WSJ in almost three years since late 2016. It certainly is a lie in late 2019 to post on PVE website that Alex is a “journalist who writes for the Wall Street Journal”. Obviously, Sandy Davidson wants people to think his son is a WSJ reporter – a very accomplished reporter who works for one of the most prestigious publications in the world. This lie is right in line with Davidson’s stolen valor mega-lie, claiming totally falsely on PVE website that he “served in the military during the Vietnam War”. Rather than accomplish great things, Sandy Davidson turns to fiction to create lie after lie to cover up that he is a loser.
I wonder how his son Alex feels knowing that his dad has the need to lie about Alex’s true career as a small-time marketer for a small-time entity.
This is run of the mill stuff for the Davidson clan. When one has accomplished little exceptional in life but want the entrapments of exceptional success, just lie, so it goes at Sandy’s house. Tell people you served in the military when you never spent a day doing so, perhaps even dodging Vietnam at the time. Tell people you were on “the” UCLA Medical School admissions committee, or even chaired it, for 30 years when you never chaired it, or perhaps even served on it, for one day. Say you are a UCLA professor when in fact you are really a volunteer, on seldom occasion, at the lowest level of honorary professorship at the school. Try to mislead people into thinking your daughter teaches at Harvard or son is a Wall Street Journal reporter. Why not? Who’s gonna catch you?
Boom! You’ve been caught, Sandy!
I moved to PVE recently and had to go to a City Council meeting for our particular housing issue. Jesus Christ. This city of hillbillies is incredible. Completely lost in time, looking backwards instead of progressively forward. No wonder the real estate doesn’t go up.
I am on verge of concluding that Sandy Davidson is being dressed by a blind person who lives in his closet. W.O.W.
Anyone watch the last two city council meetings? Sandy Davidson refuses to be on the “safety committee” or then vote to have a consultant evaluate, again, the PVE PD. Gee. I wonder why not. This re-tread will not go anywhere near anything that will recommend either staff cuts at PVE PD or looking at the Sheriff alternative. Maybe as bad is the other councilpersons have no courage at all to take a serious look at Sheriff, estimated to cost 1/3 to 1/2 of PVE PD. No shock to anyone why PVE remains a city on the down slope.
Sandy’s at it again. While the three newly elected councilpersons showed up for a 4+ hour budget workshop, Davidson again decided to skip out. This is the same guy who has promised to cut costs and work on saving the city from budget deficits. He must know he has no chance for re-election and now is just showing up when he wants to sullenly rant on something crucial to him like leaf blowers or renting City Council chambers to groups like PVrrg.
PVE residents have gotten what they deserve. A washed up city mostly comprised of fixed income dependent losers have as a councilman a fixed income dependent loser. Councilpersons – and I mean all of them, the new and old ones – sit up there and exclaim the importance of saving a few thousand bucks on this or that while they ignore the 68,000 lb. gorilla in the room devouring every penny not nailed down: the police department. It’s no surprise every other city in and outside the South Bay is doing laps around PVE financially, culturally, socially and commercially.
You wanna see when the PVE City Council configured to perform at its best form? Have a look …
That was the smoothest city council meeting of the past two years. Coincidence that Sandy Davidson was AWOL? No sir! Good riddance!!!!
Word around town is that Sanford Davidson MD was absent in protest related to his unwillingness to participate in some “team building” exercises involving City officials. Reportedly, Davidson has missed just under 20 hours of these exercises already, and is refusing to participate. So, like a petulant, scornful man-child, non-military veteran Davidson just didn’t show up on Tuesday night. I am guessing nobody begged him to be there.
Big Question: how the heck is Mayor Kenny Kao still tethered in any alliance with disgraced Davidson? The awesome video the BCHA put on this page showing Kao squandering massive political capital trying to get the MPT job for Davidson showed just how bad is Kao’s judgment and ethics. But when is enough, enough?
This is one very content PVE City Council dais!
Is he really gone? Did he quit? Please tell me that is what happened.
I heard Davidson was telling people he had some kind of surgery on himself and that is either the or a reason for him not showing up. I could see him being a repeat no-show claiming medical leave. Why not? That’s what our Chief of Police Jeff Kepley did for four months!
I don’t know a single person who voted for Sandy Davidson in 2017 who will vote for him ever again. This man’s political career is almost as finished as his medical one.
Kudos to Davidson for wanting to join countless other cities that ban gas leaf blowers. See him being quite rational this week here at at 51:00, 1:07:20 and around 1:27:00 Davidson tells it like it is – it will take a bit of time for people to adjust but it will happen. At 1:49:00 or so he frankly does a great job schooling Victoria Lozzi, who seems to think laws don’t matter if they are not enforced 24/7 (if that’s case, there should be NO laws in PVE as the PVEPD doesn’t enforce almost any of them). The landscaping associations and companies of course are opposed because it will increase their costs. Why should PVE City Council care much about a dozen landscaping companies instead of 13,500 residents?
I can’t say the same about David McGowan who makes little sense talking about how the law would create discord in the City and would be hard to enforce. McGowan talks about the cost of enforcement for this but strongly, actively supported a $45 million tax our homes and is rumored to want to build a new City Hall. It’s starting to look like McGowan may be the new Jennifer King – bad judgement with confidence.
Hold your horses, fellah. During this same city council meeting, Sanford Davidson MD – the ophthalmologist – shamelessly admitted he breaks the law in his car repeatedly. He even referred over to the Chief of Police saying something like, “Yeah, only 1 in 200 driving legal infractions are caught, right?” This guy swore an oath to obey the law and here is his bragging about breaking it?!?!?!?
What is going on with this guy Sandy Davidson’s hair and “style”? Not kidding. I want to know who in the world is picking out his fake hair color of the day, and sartorial selections?
Hahahahahahahahahah!! It looks like Sandy Davidson owns one pair of pants – the color of chyme, and one tan striped tie from the Ricardo Montalbán collection available from Day 1 at 75% off at Sears in 1982. Can you imagine having this guy operate on your eye? I wouldn’t let him take an eyelash off of my kid’s Barbie doll.
Looks like Dr. Strangeunloved has doubled down on his big military lie.
Version 3.0 now on the PVE official website: “Dr. Davidson spent 2 years serving in the military during the Vietnam War”
To quote Quintus, “People should know when they’re conquered”.
No, these two Sandy and Joan Davidson only shall know they are defeated when they read in November 2020’s Daily Breeze article on his re-election failure. They both embody the terrifying mixture of delusion and deceit. The truth evades them to the core. Scary people.
It’s crazy that anyone is still tethered to the Davidsons in Palos Verdes Estates. There is this one woman named Carolyn Price who has been doing Joan Davidson’s dirty work for her on, posting more lies about Sandy being a “military veteran”. Someone’s gotta pretty desperate socially or politically to lie in public view for this military imposter Sanford Davidson
Someone please tell me how or why the Mayor hasn’t forced Sanford Davidson to quit! He is a military imposter, damn it! What a total embarrassment to PVE!!!
All I have to say is Davidson was only doing his part in his argument against how Lozzi went about trying to promote measure e. Lozzi’s tactic was dirty, cheap, and immoral. She should not have gone under the table (so to speak) to lobby for measure e. She is a monster in how she conducts business. If you are not on her ship….she will throw you overboard. By the way, have e any of you read the article where Lozzi is being interviewed. Where she tells the interviewer that she would love to knock their teeth down their f….king throat? As a council member of PVE….should she converse like that publicly? Come on people….!! I supported Davidson 100% in that Venom Speech against Lozzi. I question Lozzi’s integrity as well. She may have corporate banking experience and can push numbers and balance a budget. But her tone in how she talks and presents herself makes for a hostile environment. Not a leader I want in our town,
I’ve met most of the Davidson family in PVE. Let me say this: some of the most whacked out people I’ve met EVER. Lisa Davidson is now Lisa Fiore. She went to school with my friend, supposedly was psycho. She easily could have been on the show the Munsters. Just take a look yourself
The parents obviously are whacko. This website did a nice job laying out the father Sandy with a head full of loose screws. The mom Joan believe it or not is worse. She is a rebel without a clue. That she was accused of locking some guy in his sanitation truck actually totally makes sense. The story about her claiming toxic soil on a soccer field that wasn’t toxic. Yeah. That fits. She runs around telling people cellphones and towers cause cancer too I heard. I feel really bad for the youngest kid Alex. He’s pretty cool but it can’t have been easy with a mom and dad like that.
How reprehensible there are men and women who are permanently disabled, Veterans who are homeless that have served us. The people of this country. It’s because of their sacrifice that we can enjoy our lives and to think that our city disrespects our Vets and Allows a city council person to pretend to be a Veteran. I actually Voted for Sandy and I am disgusted with Him. By the way Tough People don’t call themselves courageous, Sandy is a disgusting coward who uses his position to bully people. I bet he got his asskicked all the time in Brooklyn. What’s next was Sandy also a Prized fighter. Whoever has put this site together has done an excellent job.
If you think Sandy’s daughter is a Munster, get a load of this Josh Davidson:
Guess his dad isn’t a dentist!
OMG! Yes, the Munsters! I know someone who went in their sad little pathetic home and said it was like a haunted house. Sh*t all over the place and really old furniture and “decoration”. Maybe we have a Munster in on PVE city council?!?!?
Anyone seen this fraud Sanford Davidson ophthalmologist’s latest attempt to trick people into thinking he served in the military? Get a load of this: looks like the pressure from Bluff Cove and others forced him to change his biography on the PVE website. But the P.O.S. couldn’t come clean – he just had to keep playing dirty.
Old version: “Dr. Davidson spent two years in the military during the Vietnam War”.
New version: “Dr. Davidson spent two years serving the military during the Vietnam War”.
You kiddin’ me? This scoundrel KNOWS that using the word “serving” near “military” will make readers think he “served in the military”! There can’t be a worse stolen valor douchebag in the entire state.
Thank you for spotting this. The BCHA resultingly has launched Part II of the investigation into Sanford Davidson MD “Stolen Valor”. Results are expected this month.
PVE wants to put up a 9-11 monument despite having a city councilman who parades around as a Vietnam Veteran.
Sandy Davidson the Fraud our Mayor if not for the Great Work of the Bluff Cove Homeowner association. Perhaps Sandy should wear his Military Uniform to the next city a council meeting.
Well, there you have it folks: Sandy Davidson essentially admitted he didn’t “spend two years in the military during the Vietnam War”. He is a confirmed fraud.
Watch and go to 0:22:00; watch through 0:30:00. At 0:22:40 you will see Davidson interrupt a public speaker/military veteran, Bill Patton, who actually is cutting Davidson some slack by only asking him to remove the false military claim. Davidson, knowing that this true military veteran is calling out the fraudulent one, then tries to discredit Patton with the lame angle that Patton doesn’t live in PVE. At 0:25:00 Davidson gets his shot to try to defend himself, but fails miserably by wheeling out his Veteran card.
The Veteran card only CONFIRMED what the video made by Bluff Cove said itself
(( holding a Veteran card from USPHS doesn’t make one a “military” veteran.
Davidson has to admit, honestly, finally, “I served two years in the U.S. public health service” – CORRECTING THAT HE STATED HE SPENT TWO YEARS IN THE MILITARY. Again, to be clear, Sandy Davidson admitted (and even apologized for lying) that he did not spend two years in the military. Sandy Davidson admitted, kinda accidentally, that he didn’t spend any time in the U.S. military.
It was something of amazement to watch, actually. First, Davidson tried to violate the Brown Act by compelling a public speaker to state his residential location, full well knowing the speaker, true Army military veteran Bill Patton, lives in RPV. Davidson knew this because Patton, alongside John Harbison, was a co-leader of the Parkland lawsuit initiative – indeed, the very same one on which Davidson ran for City Council. Despite Patton being aligned with Davidson on this key campaign issue in 2017, Davidson goes back into attack dog mode on Patton because, as usual, Davidson’s prey doesn’t agree with Davidson. SO just to get that straight, Davidson won’t attack you as long as he agrees with you. After Patton spoke and made clear that Davidson was a USPHS veteran but NOT a military veteran, Davidson did exactly what has been predicted: he pulled out his Veteran card and started talking about how he helped military veterans in the USPHS hospital. Again, he accidentally admitted that he wasn’t a military veteran but provided health care services to them in the safety of a San Francisco hospital. There are 1000’s of people who helped true military veterans in that hospital, but THEY DON’T LIE BY FALSELY STATING THEY “SPENT TWO YEARS IN THE MILITARY DURING THE VIETNAM WAR”
Sadly for Davidson, the Bluff Cove video ( was well prepared in dealing with that predictable effort by Davidson to mislead PVE voters again. The video makes crystal clear: Davidson may be a USPHS veteran holding a veteran card, but that does not allow him to state honestly he “spent two years in the military during the Vietnam War”. No, Sandy Davidson, it is NOT a “matter of semantics” as you stated! Spending two years in the military is a matter of life and death! You tell someone who spent two years in the military during the Vietnam War that the difference between him/her and you – guy who interned, as part of his education, in the USPHS hospital safely located in San Francisco’s Presidio district – is “SEMANTICS”.
Sandy Davidson is a fraud. His wife Joan is his co-conspirator to defraud PVE voters and others. Period. End of story. Thank GOD he never shall (yes, that means “will”) be mayor of PVE.
You make some astute observations. Importantly, you correctly pointed out what the Bluff Cove (BCHA) investigation video ( also makes clear, repeatedly and specifically. Davidson may hold a USPHS Veteran card that he flashes when pressed, BUT that card does not establish him as having “spent two years in the military during the Vietnam War.” Bluff Cove never, ever claims that Davidson is not a “veteran;” instead, the BCHA claim proven true is that Davidson is not a “military” veteran. To the contrary, as Maj. Patton pointed out, the USPHS (and NOAA) is a non-military uniformed services. Again, Sandy Davidson never “served in the military” during the Vietnam War or otherwise.
Davidson concludes his failed effort, in typical fashion, with another lie: Davidson claims: “All of the material on the Neighborhood Watch [BCHA] by your handler will be put to rest.” No, Sandy. ALL of the material on the BCHA website about your false military claim was JUST CONFIRMED AS TRUE by non other than YOU, Sandy Davidson. Sandy, you never spent a single day “in the military” and you just admitted it video recorded format for the world to see forever. Now you are at risk of the wrath of true Vietnam military veterans who learn of your heinous act of deceit.
Sandy Davidson is liar of epic proportion. He claims he is a “Vietnam veteran,” right? Really?
“A Vietnam veteran is someone who served in the armed forces of participating countries during the Vietnam War. ”
The armed forces are the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. He didn’t serve in any armed force. He had some cushy internship in a San Fran hospital, maybe at risk of getting scratched by a tree branch in the parking lot and while real military veterans were getting shot and tortured. What a total scumbag. How has the city not taken down this lie yet?
Alaska Congressman Dan Saddler: “There simply is a huge difference between service in a “uniformed service,” and serving in a “military service.” Just wearing a uniform does not make you a veteran. They say a veteran is someone who once wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America, for an amount payable up to and including his life, if necessary. Military veterans’ willingness to put themselves in harm’s way sets them apart in a category and class distinctly above those who would benefit from the expanded definition that is the heart of this bill.”
Full article:’t-make-you-veteran’
Recent Veterans Administration legal decision makes clear decision between USPHS and military:
The Veteran is not shown to have served in the military OR [emphasis added] in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corp, either in active duty or reserve status. ”
As Jim Gordon ( explained, uniforms are worn by officers of the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service. These individuals are not members of the military; rather they hold commissions as members of a “uniformed service”.
Jim’s got it exactly right. This guy Davidson looks like he WAS in the “uniformed service” of the US Public Health Service. However, of the seven uniformed services, only five are military (Navy, Army, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard). NOAA and USPHS are, without question, non-military. So this Davidson wants all the glory and accolades of having “spent 2 years in the military” without any of the risk of life or limb that came with it. If I was a true military veteran, I’d be beyond furious if PVE doesn’t take down his lie.
What may be the most telling of all the insanity shown by Davidson in the videos is during his April 9, 2018 “Venom speech” he says “one of them sitting with here us TONIGHT”. He was speaking at around 9 IN THE MORNING. At 1:05:00 the Mayor even says, “We wan to thank everyone for coming out early today …” WTF is wrong with this guy Davidson?
This is the full meeting video:
Also at around 1:01:30 you can see the crazy illogical misleading explanation for not ordering this Sheriff study as offered by the Mayor Mr. Vandever. Vandever is either a fool or thinks his audience is a bunch of fools. He wants people to think the Sheriff would cost MORE than PVEPD ($7.5 – 10 million/year) despite the City Manager himself repeatedly writing that it would cost at most around HALF as much ($3.5 – 4.5 million/year). It’s all a bunch of nonsense covering up that the old timers in PVE want to have a police department at twice the Sheriff cost but that does half the job by selectively enforcing laws or doesn’t enforce them at all. That is how you got the Bay Boys lawsuit.
Your observation is correct. You can see the Agenda for that meeting here:
It states clearly on upper right that time of meeting is “9:00 AM”. All is not well with Sandy Davidson.
OK. Let’s just get this said now before the investigation comes out on Friday. IF Sanford Davidson did not “serve in the military” but he had that on his biography. he has to resign. The City cannot go through more embarrassment of this man. He must go.
This webpage is AWESOME. What democracy and the good fight against evil is ALL ABOUT!!!!! Davidson will resign unless he’s a stubborn fool. Next city council meeting what does he expect? If the Mayor nominates him again, both will look like fools. More silence by the other three and then someone else gets nominated, right? Time for Sandy to get out of Dodge.
What were these two clowns thinking nominating Davidson w/o knowing if one of Lozzi, McGowan or Kemps was going to 2nd it?????? Pure f’n genius, folks. Just ended up making Kao look like a moron and Davidson like a pariah. This guy Kao is Mayor, with this unreal bad judgment??? Holy cow.
Sanford Davidson has no chance to be re-elected. He is the most hated man in the entire city of PVE. Plus, he is a failed doctor and “citizen”. Did he even REALLY serve in any war? I hear “NO”.
Word around town is that Sandy Davidson has formed an alliance with David McGowan, new councilman. They plan to oppose together anyone looking to replace the Police Department with the Sheriff. Figures – two old fogies with nothing left in their lives but acting like big fish in a tiny puddle of mud (PVE).
This POS Sanford Davidson is next to get voted out of office. If Jennifer King couldn’t keep her seat, and she was highly considered by many, a plebian loser failed doctor wearing brown Kmart suits is never gonna get elected again.
Has anyone seen ol’ washed up Sandy’s mental wife on Nextdoor trying to soften her crusty, corrupt image lately? Yeah, all kinds of thanking this and that and ol’ grandma stuff. Nobody’s falling for it. She’s a crock pot.
Did anyone happen to see the lunacy of Sanford and Joan Davidson a the PVrrg city council meeting this week? Holy *)#*&!!!
First they walk around putting silly little envelopes on each seat, trying to campaign against Victoria Lozzi by saying PVrrg is biased (well, yes – the Davidsons are right there. PVrrg probably wants a councilperson who is unlike Sandy Davidson: someone who is not DISHONEST, who is not MENTALLY FEEBLE, and who is not TERRIBLY UNCIVIL).
They weren’t done yet. Next Sandy gets into a squabble over where he can place his own videorecording camera. Sandy wants to block the audience by putting in the middle, and then threatens to involve the PVEPD (who he’s in bed with) against John Harbison.
Then Sandy Davidson is chirping away during the debate. He just can’t keep his ignorant big mouth shut.
The good news? He’ll be gone in a year – zero chance he’s re-elected in 2020.
If you want to see this embarrassment of a human being in action vs. a woman, look no further than Dez Myers.
Go to 24:00 and watch how he abuses her, publicly.
Most. Dishonest.Guy.Ever.
Sandy Davidson is BAD NEWS. His inner anger (from a life of failure it seems) pours out of him uncontrollably. Odds of his re-election in 2020 are close to zero.
Watch him recently go bonkers at his favorite target, PVE Treasurer and soon-to-be-sitting-next-to-him Victoria Lozzi, at the 2 minute mark:
Is there a recall procedure that can be used against Sandy&dusty??
Yes, there is a recall procedure. 20 votes on petition to start the process, but then around 25% of registered voters have to sign the final petition to get rid of him. Thus, around 2,500 or so signatures needed to rid PVE of him. This is probably too high a threshold.
Sandy Davidson appears to be a fraud, based on the massive disparity between what he has claimed about his background and the truth. Word around town is he failed as a doctor, which would explain why he lives in a run down ghost house on perhaps the worst street in PVE and wears a tan Sears/JCPenny leisure suit. His wife, Joan, is far worse than portrayed on this webpage. Ask Glenn Tanner what happened at the post office with his Measure E cards, and how the FBI was asked to investigate Joan Davidson. There is a reason she has been jettisoned off to to complain about the school system and off the School Board. Kinda sad pair of people, to be honest.
Comment section opened to public as of January 12, 2019