The California "twin" cities of Half Moon Bay and Palos Verdes Estates are strikingly similar, coastally protected municipalities. Both have around 13,000 residents living along the Pacific Ocean around an hour drive from a major metropolitan city. From a safety standpoint, PVE is more naturally protected being on a peninsula with only a few entry/exit roads. PVE also is more structurally protected, with the two most trafficked in/out roads requiring passing through Torrance, CA. which is policed by one of the most effective and innovative law enforcement departments in the country. In order to save merely $500,000/year, in April 2011 HMB's City Council, without passing the buck to an intentionally misguided and misinformed citizenry (see
PVE Measure E), voted unanimously to move law enforcement to the San Mateo Sheriff. It is estimated that a similar move by PVE to the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department would save $5,000,000/year, including pension costs. As the LASD proposed in 2016 for the PVEPD HQ in its quoted $4.5 million/year deluxe "Option B", the San Mateo Sheriff moved into the HMB police HQ and ran it as a Sheriff substation. There was no fight from HMB's police officers, who rather than
line up to pressure HMB residents or government (see Steve Barber photo), instead agreed that financially it was a prudent decision "years overdue." Then again, HMB didn't employ numerous officers who may be underqualified for Sheriff employment. HMB also didn't have police department leaders paid over $200,000/year to drive or park in the shade, three days/week, in naturally safe, scenic PVE. HMB also didn't have a police department with a primary role to catch-and-release lawbreaking local voters or wave at socially-starved, mature residents. Like has been validated since 2011 in HMB, there is a reasonable likelihood that despite costing perhaps 1/3 - 1/2 of the PVEPD's all-inclusive costs, the LASD would deliver equal response times and higher levels of law enforcement. Click on the headline above to read the official report detailing the tremendous success achieved both on budget and law enforcement by the leaders of HMB.

PVE Councilman Sanford Davidson Rejected as Future Mayor
For more information regarding Sanford Davidson, click HERE.
City Manager Tony Dahlerbruch position to terminate under new City Council? (April 2019)
Based on the April 3, 2019 posting of the
agenda for a Special Meeting of the recently reconstituted Palos Verdes Estates City Council (click here or on images), it appears that Tony Dahlerbruch's position as City Manager is about to terminate.
Palos Verdes Estates City Manager Tony Dahlerbruch's apparent professional deficiencies long ago had been identified by many in the PVE community (click here and see below). The allegations against Dahlerbruch have included the following:
an apparent lack of expertise in pertinent financial matters (e.g.. pension liability);
bloating the City's budget with unprecedented hiring-driven expenses;
massive senior employee turnover in nearly every department;
ethical issues, including potentially making knowingly false statements.
The PVE City Council, supposedly new and improved, is a disgrace.
Since being elected a year ago, Victoria Lozzi has done NOTHING she promised when running for election or as she proclaimed when Treasurer. She barely prepares for meetings and has lifted nary a finger to get anything done regarding her self-proclaimed desire to “go back and get it right” for law enforcement expenses. No Sheriff Feasibility Study requested, much less demand by her.
Mike Kemps perhaps is even worse. His approach is duplicity. He publicly declares “1000% support for PVEPD” at council meeting when a senior officer is looking at him, but then privately tells gadfly Dez Myers and others he is working hard to bring the Sheriff into PVE. Just look at the guy – he truly could be the picture in Websters for “little” and “coward”.
David McGowan is tragic. He is too out of it and disconnected to be blamed too much. He should be put out to pasture gently rather than be rebuked.
Kemps did NOT tell me, Desiree Myers, that he would get rid of the police. Period.
Information presented at the police adhoc was very concerning.
The basis of retaining the local police was told to residents as:
1) Our local police have higher service levels. But our police do not have service levels (KPIs).
2) Our local police are less expensive than the sheriffs. But, our police budget excludes $1.5 million a year on average of pension costs, so that is $8.5 million. Meanwhile we were told at the meeting that the $6.4 million sheriffs bid was created by our employees that had the sheriffs replicate our top heavy management structure (more mgmt than officers), which is why this bid increased from $3-4 million in 2018 to $6.4 in 2020.
I support safety as a number #1 important service. This requires managed and reported service levels.
And it requires reducing the cost of our local police to a more affordable model, while paying the full cost each year rather than funding the operations with never ending debt, which inevitably causes never ending tax stacks.
It is very sad to see Desiree Myers remaining loyal to Michael Kemps. One would think his betrayal would have been the final straw.
PVE City Council has been raving about the Interim City Manager Petru when juxtaposed next to disgraced and departed Tony Dahlerbruch. She obstructs nothing vs. Tony D putting hurdle traps everywhere. She is knowledgeable about how to run a city prudently having come from much larger RPV. Tony D is gone. Thank God.
How will the city Allocate the bond disbursement?
This website is amazing! I can say that everyone I know in PVE is so happy that Tony D has been dismissed. He built a reputation for obstructing progress in just about every form. Incompetence at its worst. Dishonesty at its most vile. I pity whoever hires this guy next.
The turnover in PVE City Hall has been tremendous in just six years since Tony D came to town. This is just from memory. A lot of people have been poached by former PVE City Manager Joe Hoefgen who now runs Redondo as its City Manager.
Sheri Repp Loadsman, Deputy City Mgr. and Head of Planning (MIA)
Elizabeth Corpuz: City Planner (now in Bellflower)
Alan Rigg: City Planner/Chief Engineer (now in Stanton)
Joe Mendoza: Head of Code Enforcement (similar job in other city)
Elissa Hall: Head of Code Enforcement (now in Santa Monica)
Vicki Kroneberger: City Clerk (now in Redondo)
John Downs: Finance Director (now Municipal consultant in San Pedro)
Mike Ross: Building Supervisor (now in Redondo)
Stacey Kinsella: Ass. Planning Director (now in Redondo)
John Eberhard: Police Chief (accused of pension spike)
Jeff Kepley: Police Chief (accused of fake sick leave)
I’m sure I’ve missed a few. There was some guy named Reg or Reg who also was senior and has left. It’s been a debacle.
It took this long to get this buffoon Dahlerbruch out of PVE????? What is wrong with this city? You’ve got Kepley, Repp-Loadsman, and Dahlerbruch all jammed out of town in just the past year. Why can’t the city council hire good people?
The Comments section of the BCHA Current Issues page was opened on April 3, 2019