Notice: 2018
If you or another Palos Verdes Estates resident seeks the endorsement of the Bluff Cove Homeowners Association, with or without campaign backing, please contact us with a brief summary of your stance on the City's pertinent issues (e.g., law enforcement costs, pension liability, parkland sale, City Manager performance, etc.)
The Bluff Cove Homeowners Association is dedicated to the commitment of whatever resources are necessary to put the City into the hands of councilpersons who respect and obey their fiduciary duties of loyalty, good faith and due care.
The current City Council's actions and inactions regarding the illegal sale of PVE Parkland, negligent pension and other expense management, unrepentant and ongoing dissemination of false and misleading information, and refusal to order a Sheriff Feasibility Study have convinced the BCHA that a complete reconstitution of the City Council over the next two election cycles, with attendant replacement of the City Manager, may be necessary to right much of what is wrong.